Stained Glass in Saint Paul’s
This page is a virtual guide through the church, listing the characters and incidents from the bible and church history who are portrayed. In the Chancel are the Apostles and the Jesse Tree of the East Window. The main windows around the Nave portray saints selected by Fr Wagner for their association with Britain.
The designs for the windows were made by Augustus Pugin (see below) when the church was first built in 1848 and represent the most complete cycle he designed for any Anglican church. The glass was fitted between 1848 -1853, beginning with the great East Window and the chancel lights.
![Great East Window](
See also the Victorian Art web site for articles on Pugin and on Charles Eamer Kempe who designed the windows in the Narthex.
Plan of the Windows
![Windows - plan](
In the few decades before his early death at just 40 years old, Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin elevated the Gothic Revival from a dilettante fashion to its highest state.
His prodigious output includes all the detail of the designs for the Houses of Parliament and schemes for many churches and public buildings. His own home, The Grange in Ramsgate, is a model of Victorian domestic comfort.
Family tragedy and overwork contributed to a tragic breakdown and his early death.
You can find out more on his Wikipedia page.
![A.W.N. Pugin](
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